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LGBTQ-Friendly Services

Community. Purpose. Technology.

group of people in a selfie discussing LGBTQ friendly addiction treatment

For many of those who struggle with addiction, isolation is a common feeling. Substance use disorders tell your brain that you’re alone in your struggles and that no one can understand you. That’s why community is such an important part of the treatment programs at MD M.A.T.T.—we understand that no one can truly walk this path alone. For members of the LGBTQ community, having the support of an addiction treatment center that is not just welcoming but truly inclusive can be life-changing.

At MD M.A.T.T., we go beyond offering nonjudgmental and compassionate care; we strive to provide an atmosphere where LGBTQ individuals feel safe and supported. Our LGBTQ-friendly addiction treatment center features medication, counseling, and connection as core pieces of the recovery process.

If you’re ready to start your recovery journey, MD M.A.T.T. is here to help. Call 410.364.8194 today for more on our addiction treatment services in Owings Mills, MD.

Understanding How Addiction Affects Those in the LGBTQ Community

Addiction does not discriminate and can affect anyone from any background. However, there are certain factors, such as stigma and discrimination, that can lead to higher rates of substance use disorders among certain demographics.

While acceptance and understanding in society is growing, the LGBTQ community still faces higher rates of addiction due to discrimination and marginalization. A lack of access to health care, social support networks, and economic opportunities are all factors that contribute to higher rates of addiction in this population. Some individuals may turn to substances to cope in the face of discrimination, rejection from loved ones, or gender dysphoria.

At MD M.A.T.T., we understand how difficult it can be to seek help for addiction when you don’t feel like you belong or are understood. That is why our LGBTQ-friendly rehab center staffs compassionate counselors who understand the unique challenges faced by those in the LGBTQ community and who can provide the support and resources needed to move forward in recovery.

Our LGBTQ-Inclusive Addiction Treatment Services

At MD M.A.T.T., we offer a range of addiction treatment services designed to address the individual needs of each patient. Our LGBTQ-friendly addiction treatment services include:

  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) – We use Suboxone, a prescription medication that aids in reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms, to help our patients manage their substance use disorder.
  • Counseling – Uncovering the underlying issues behind addiction and learning to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression are all essential parts of the recovery process. Our counselors provide a safe and judgment-free space for LGBTQ individuals to work through the issues that contribute to their addiction.
  • Community – Isolation and loneliness can be major triggers for addiction, which is why we focus on helping our patients build and maintain healthy relationships. We offer a range of group therapy activities and support groups as well as access to community resources.
  • Technology – From wherever they are, our patients can stay connected to their recovery with virtual support groups and teletherapy.

As our patients build healthy coping skills, gain insight into their addiction, and develop strong support networks, they become empowered to take control of their recovery.

Take the First Step by Calling MD M.A.T.T. Today

Everyone deserves a chance at recovery. If you or a loved one are part of the LGBTQ community and are ready to begin the journey to recovery, MD M.A.T.T. is here for you. Our experienced team of addiction professionals is dedicated to helping our patients achieve long-term sobriety and find the life that awaits them on the other side of recovery.

For more information about our LGBTQ-friendly addiction treatment services in Owings Mills, MD, call us today at 410.364.8194 or reach out to our team online.